Wednesday, November 29, 2017

His Word Today: the work of disciples

Good morning everyone,

Today's scripture readings remind us that everyone who is called to be a disciple of Jesus has to face the hard truth that following in his footsteps means that we must put our own interests aside and concentrate on others.  The work of a disciple is not about personal gain; rather, it is about proclaiming the Kingdom and sharing the good news of a truth that we have come to know but one that we have not yet experienced in its fullness.

King Balshazzar thought that he could rest in the assurance that his physical possessions would gain him prestige, but when he placed himself on par with God and disrespected the vessels used for worshipping the Lord, God sent him a warning (cf Dan 5:1-6).  It is the same with us.  When we get too close to losing sight of the fact that our work is about praising God and calling others to do the same, God sends us warnings.  You may have experienced such warnings if you've ever encountered the sense of guilt that is the result of sin.

Jesus went further in his teaching, telling the crowds that those who choose to follow in his footsteps should be prepared to face persecution (cf Lk 21:12-18) but even if all manner of physical harm should be threatened, God will never leave us alone (cf Lk 21:19).  We can dare to be Jesus' disciples today, knowing that we are never alone, that it is he that we serve and that he will always love us and care for us.

Have a great day.

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