Wednesday, November 15, 2017

His Word Today: An example of holiness

Good morning everyone.

This coming Saturday, Father Solanus Casey will be proclaimed Blessed.  Who is this man?  He was a Capuchin Friar who was born in Oak Grove, Wisconsin (USA) in 1870.   He was the sixth of sixteen children born to Irish immigrant parents. He was in his mid-twenties when he entered the Capuchin Order.

First stationed in Yonkers and in New York City, he served as Sacristan and Doorkeeper.  He edified his parishioners by his prayerful example and his great charity toward the sick, children and the poor.

Like Brother André Bissette, Father Solanus had a gift for welcoming strangers.  During the Great Depression, he inspired the Capuchin Friars in Detroit to establish a soup kitchen to feed the hungry - a service that continues even today.

Father Solanus' simple yet profound example is a living example of the Wisdom of God at work.  In today's first reading, we hear that Wisdom ... penetrates and pervades all things by reason of her purity (Wis 7:24).  Today, let us ask Father Solanus and Brother André to pray with us for the gift of God's wisdom so that we can serve our brothers and sisters.

Have a great day.

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