Wednesday, November 22, 2017

His Word Today: celebrating Saint Cecilia

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the Feast day of Saint Cecilia, the patron saint of music and musicians.  This feast day has been observed since the fourth century - and always on this day.

Who was Saint Cecilia?  The story about her is somewhat unclear.  One story that is told is that she was a noble Roman woman who had taken a vow of virginity.  Despite this vow, her parents forced her to marry a pagan nobleman named Valarian.  During the wedding, Cecilia sat apart singing to God in her heart, and for that she was later declared the saint of musicians. When the time came for her marriage to be consummated, Cecilia told Valerian that watching over her was an angel of the Lord, who would punish him if he sexually violated her but would love him if he respected her virginity. When Valerian asked to see the angel, Cecilia replied that he could if he would go to the third milestone on the Via Appia and be baptized by Pope Urban I.  After following Cecilia's advice, he saw the angel standing beside her and crowning her with a chaplet of roses and lilies.

Cecilia and her husband were both martyred in Sicily sometime between 176 and 180AD.

Cecilia is one of a long line of Christians who perished because they would not renounce their faith.  The second Book of Maccabees recounts another story of a woman who suffered greatly because of her faith (cf 2 Mac 7:20-23).  Even today, there are many who are suffering and giving their lives as testimony to their faith.  Let us give thanks today for the witness that Saint Cecilia gave, for the gift of those who are witnesses to faith for us, and let us try our best today to be witnesses of our faith for others.

Have a great day.

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