Tuesday, November 14, 2017

His Word Today: Our surprising God

Good morning everyone,

One of the things that has always intrigued me (and you too, I hope) is the freshness of the gospel.  Every time I read the Word of God, there is something new, some idea that captures my imagination.  Today's gospel passage places us with Jesus and his disciples at a time when he is talking with them about something truly radical.

At the time, it was an accepted custom that servants would prepare meals, clean houses, serve at table etc.  This image was well known to the apostles, but Jesus challenges this societal assumption: Who among you would say to your servant ... come here and take your place at table? (Lk 17:7)

Our God provides everything we need to live and to prosper every day, and yet instead of expecting us to serve him, he invites us to take our place at his table, to receive his advice, to be nourished with his own body and blood.  This surprise is God's gift to us, and in response we say: God is good!

Have a great day!

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