Tuesday, December 5, 2017

His Word Today: a new shoot

Good morning everyone,

It might seem like an odd time of year to be speaking about planting, but today's scripture readings remind me of a day when I tried my hand at planting an Amaryllis.  Actually, someone presented me with the bulb which had recently been nestled in some earth in a little pot.  My instructions were to keep the soil damp and to watch for any signs of growth.  Keeping the soil damp meant that I needed to be vigilant, keeping watch over the pot on a regular basis, and I must admit that at some point, I wondered whether anything was happening, because despite my daily (almost) checking, there didn't seem to be anything happening … until …  A very small shoot of green broke through the bulb and began to grow.

During the season of Advent, God is calling us to be vigilant about watering our souls with the freshness of his word.  We may not see anything happening at first, and we may even grow impatient about whether our regular tending to this task is worth the effort, but eventually a shoot shall sprout  and from its roots a bud will blossom (Is 11:1).

In these early days of Advent, begin the discipline of watering your soul with the word, and watch in anticipation.  The day will come when you will see the shoot break forth: perhaps in renewed patience toward others, perhaps in an abiding sense of joy and anticipation, perhaps in a new-found depth of faith.

Have a great day.

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