Monday, December 11, 2017

His Word Today: Incredible things

Good morning everyone,

As we begin this second week of the Advent season, the scriptures speak of incredible things.  Saint Luke tells the story of a man who was paralyzed.  His friends were people of great faith; they brought the man on a stretcher and braved the gathered crowds in order to bring their friend to Jesus because they believed that he could do incredible things: that he could heal their friend (cf Lk 5:18-19).

The prophet Isaiah also speaks of incredible things happening: the desert will bloom (Is 35:1), the lame shall leap and streams will burst forth in the desert (Is 35:6).  If such unbelievable things were foretold, should we not believe that it is possible that we might see such prophecies fulfilled in our time?  When the pressures of life tend to weigh us down, let us dare to believe that incredible things are still possible: illnesses can be cured, struggles can be overcome, hardened hearts can and will be softened in God's time.

In the meanwhile, it might help to remind us that today, things are just the way they should be.  We are in the places where we need to be, encountering the people we need to meet and the situations that we need to experience in order to grow just a little bit today in our ability to say yes to God, and of course to be on the lookout for the incredible things that God is doing in and around us.

Have a great day.

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