Tuesday, December 19, 2017

His Word Today: Angels

Good morning everyone,

The readings for today's liturgy focus on the foretelling of the birth of Samson (Judges 13:2-7, 24-25) and the announcement about the birth of John the Baptist (Lk 1:5-25).  In both these cases, it was angels who communicated God's plan to human beings.  Throughout the history of our faith, angels have been known by various names:  in the Book of Judges, the angel is referred to as a man of God, and the gospel account refers to the angel of the Lord.  In both cases, they are messengers.  Even today, angels are God's messengers. They communicate God's word to us and invite us to welcome that word in our hearts.

Couples who have been trying to have children can ask holy people like Manoah and his wife (the scripture does not specify her name), the parents of Samson, to intercede on their behalf.  Of course, Zechariah and Elizabeth also knew the anguish of trying to have children and not meeting with any success until the angel of the Lord appeared in the temple to bring the good news (cf Lk 1:11-13).

Angels proclaim good news from our God even today.  If the scriptures were being written today, they would also speak of people of prayer, people who are living with all kinds of hopes and dreams, even with disappointments but people who take time for prayer, to place their anguish in God's hands and learn day after day to trust that in God's time, our prayers will be answered.  In the meanwhile, the angels take our prayers to the throne of God and the Saints intercede on our behalf.  We would do well to be watchful for the angels who appear in our lives, bringing us the good news that comes from our God.

Have a great day.

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