Thursday, July 12, 2018

His Word Today: Vulnerability

Good morning everyone,

The relationships we develop with other people are meant to be sources of joy, love and satisfaction for each of us, but in order for us to realize the true depth of these gifts, each one of us must make ourselves vulnerable to another person.  It happens on occasion that two people fall in love and then one of those two comes to realize that the depth of commitment and vulnerability is not as profound for all parties concerned.  If this is the case, the result is that the one who has been committed more deeply ends up feeling cheated and used.

These same sentiments are also possible in the relationship between God and his children, except that we are always the ones who go astray.  God has loved each one of us since the day we were conceived in our mothers' wombs, but His love for us goes back generations before that.  Out of Egypt I called my son (Hos 11:1).  In other words, even from the very beginning of the relationship that God established with his chosen people, He has always loved us, and His love has remained constant even though our ancestors in faith have turned their backs on many occasions (Hos 11:2-4).

It is good for us to hear these words from the heart of our God: to be reminded again of the deep abiding love that God has for each of us ... and it is also important that we come to understand that God's love is perfect: that He will never abandon hope for each of us.  He is the Holy One, present among us (Hos 11:9) who will always look out for us and protect us.  This is the secret to true love: being able to make ourselves entirely vulnerable to the Other because He has first made himself vulnerable to us.

Have a great day.

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