Friday, July 20, 2018

His Word Today: Instil confidence

Good morning everyone,

Today we hear the words that we all want to hear from our God whenever we come to Him with our prayers.  Whether we have joyful news to share or whether we have some question or favour to present, deep in our hearts, we all want to hear Him say in response: I have heard your prayer (Is 38:5).

These are words of compassion and understanding.  These are the words of a Father who loves us and who wants only the best for us.  These few words instil a level of confidence in us because we know that someone is listening: someone who cares for us, someone who wants only the best for us.

Picture for a moment how these few words have the power to put us at ease, then ask yourself how many times you have been in such a position: seeking such assurance.  Have you always received it?  And how many times have you been on the other side: in situations where others seek assurance from you that you have heard their plea?  Have you always done what you can to build confidence and trust between them and you?

Have a great day.

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