Monday, July 9, 2018

His Word Today: How close?

Good morning everyone,

A very wise person once told me that if we want to truly understand the relationship we are meant to have with God, we need to fall in love.  When we fall in love, we want to do everything we can to find more and more time to spend in the company of the one we love.  When we fall in love, we want to give everything we have so that the other person will be happy.  This is the way our God wants to live with us.

The prophet Hosea tells us today that God wants to lure us away, to lead us into the desert and speak to our hearts (Hos 2:16).  The biblical image of the desert speaks of a place where God can be alone with us - like someone with whom we have fallen deeply in love.  The desert is a place where there are no other distractions, where God can speak tenderly to our hearts.

What a wonderful image: it speaks of God as the One who has already fallen hopelessly in love with each one of us.  If only we would accept the invitation, perhaps we too would fall in love with God.  This thought should excite us, even if it might scare us at the same time ... but I think it's worth the risk because God is infinitely patient with us and will never harm us.  Falling in love with God simply means that we will grow closer in our relationship, more trusting, more loving, and we will discover a deeper level of personal happiness and fulfillment.

Have a great day.

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