Friday, July 13, 2018

His Word Today: Return

Good morning everyone,

Today, the prophet Hosea reminds us that it's never too late for us to return ... to the Lord (Hosea 14:2).  The first time I remember hearing these words, I was a relatively young and I remember wondering what these words meant: I was fortunate in my youth to have generous and loving guides who introduced me to a life of faith, but I had not yet come to know how easy it is to wander away from God.

Some of us have known such experiences, and perhaps we have wandered away over the years, or perhaps we know of others who were once introduced to a life of faith and who have now made choices that have led them down different paths.  Luckily for us, our God is so loving and patient with us that He is willing to wait - sometimes for entire lifetimes - for us to recognize our need to come back.

There has been a long-standing tradition in the Church that associates Fridays with the practice of penance.  Psalm 51, which is part of the prayer of the Church for this day, begins with the words: Have mercy on me God in your kindness (Psalm 51:1).  Every Friday morning, these words are repeated, inviting us to ask the Lord to forgive all iniquity - to forgive us for our sins (cf Hosea 14:3).

Sometimes it takes a while for us to hear these words, and even longer for them to resonate in our hearts: to remind us that we all need to return to the Lord.  Even if they do manage to reach our hearts, we sometimes will spend a long time trying to block them out, but our God is always calling to us, gently inviting us to come home.  When will we return?

Have a great day.

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