Tuesday, July 24, 2018

His Word Today: Ancestors

Good morning everyone,

In recent decades there has been increasing interest - in this part of the world - in genealogy (the research that is required in order to discover our ancestry.  In light of this renewed interest in discovering our roots, it is interesting to note that by our baptism, we have been made part of a spiritual family that also has an ancestry worth researching.

Our spiritual family story is recounted throughout the bible, and like many other families, there are moments of great triumph as well as other moments that some may prefer to keep hidden, yet each of the chapters in such historical accounts is another opportunity to appreciate the struggles that those who have come before us have had to endure.

In the case of our spiritual family, the common ancestor that we can all look back to is God - the one who shepherds his people with his staff (Micah 7:14).  The staff is a reminder that we are all on a pilgrimage and our shepherd is the one who is leading us on this journey.  He feeds us as he did in the days when our ancestors came from the land of Egypt (out of slavery), and shows us wonderful signs of his presence among us (Mi 7:15).

Look around you today, ask our loving God to show you many signs of His presence today, and let us take comfort in the fact that we share a wonderful heritage of faith.

Have a great day.

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