Saturday, July 21, 2018

His Word Today: Concern

Good morning everyone,

Today the prophet Micah reminds us that we should always remember the goodness that God has shared with us, and out of our awareness of that goodness, we should always be willing to share goodness, love and compassion with others, especially those who are in need.

If we focus on sharing these gifts with others, we will be able to leave behind the selfish tendency to look inward and to only be concerned with our own welfare: what Pope Francis calls being closed in upon ourselves.  The prophet Micah speaks in grave words about the consequences of such self-centredness.  He says: Woe to those ... who covet and cheat (Micah 2:1-2).

Instead, let us turn the eyes of our minds and thoughts outward today.  Let us dare to look around us and to see with the eyes of faith.  There are many in our midst who are struggling in so many ways: struggling to find meaning in their lives, struggling to make ends meet, struggling to be understood, accepted and loved.  Our concern for them has the potential to ease their burden, but in order for this to happen, we must take the first step.

Have a great day.

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