Monday, February 17, 2020

His Word Today: Signs

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage, we are reminded of a moment when the Pharisees began to argue with Jesus, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him (Mk 8:11).  Many centuries later, the modern-day disciples of Jesus still seek signs from time to time.

It seems as though the process of looking for signs is a human response to Jesus' invitation to enter into a personal and loving relationship with our God.  In Jesus, God has revealed the depth of his love for us, but it is up to us to respond to God's love, and our response is what is known as faith.

While the human response to God's invitation is to ask for visible and tangible signs, the only response that we can really make is to have faith.  Let us pray for the grace of faith, and let us ask the Lord to help us increase our faith in Him.  With enough faith, there will be no need for visible and tangible signs.

Have a great day.

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