Friday, February 7, 2020

His Word Today: Conscience

Good morning everyone,

The gospel account for today's meditation speaks of King Herod.  When he first heard about Jesus, many people were not sure who this newcomer was.  They were trying to hypothesize about who it was.  Some said that it might be John the Baptist who had come back to life.  Many had heard about John, and those who had heard John speaking were exited about the possibility that John might have come back to life.

Herod too had encountered John.  In fact, he had issued the command to behead him (cf Mk 6:26-29) but in secret he was intrigued by John's words.  Herod could not afford to speak of his admiration for John, but deep down, he longed for the possibility of John's return.  This may be the reason why, when he heard about Jesus, he said: It is John who I beheaded.  He has been raised up (Mk 6:16).

Is there a part of us that is like Herod?  Is there someone who we regret having lost contact with?  Is there someone we long to see again?

Have a great day.

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