Thursday, February 13, 2020

His Word Today: Foreign

Good morning everyone,

Today, we encounter the meeting between Jesus and a woman who he would never have met under normal circumstances.  She was a Syrophoenician, not a Galilean; she was a woman, not a man; and Jesus was not in his home territory, where he would have been most comfortable.  Still, the woman bravely came forward to present her plea on behalf of her daughter, and Jesus welcomed her prayer (cf Mk 7:24-26).

What can we learn from this encounter?  Jesus was not afraid to welcome the plea addressed by the woman, and neither is he afraid to listen when we offer our prayers.  The woman must have been brave in order to voice her request, and so we must also be brave, confident in our faith so that we too can voice our requests in prayer, trusting that Jesus will stop, stoop down to us and listen to our prayers.

With the knowledge of God's openness to listen to our prayers, let us bravely approach; let us confidently speak our concerns and let us grow together in our trust that our prayers will be answered.

Have a great day.

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