Wednesday, February 12, 2020

His Word Today: Defile

Good morning everyone,

When Jesus appeared on the scene, he brought with him a new message which was spoken with freshness.  This message was born and first nourished within the Jewish faith.  Today's gospel passage gives us an example: Nothing that enters ... from outside can defile a person, but rather the things that come out from within are what defile (Mk 7:15).

This teaching was meant to differentiate the new way from the ancient tradition of dietary laws, but Jesus wanted to extend his teaching far beyond the confines of food.  Rather, he challenges us to keep care of our own behaviour and language.  The reason for this is so that we may realize the truth that faith is meant to be lived and that living our faith has its influence on those we meet.

What words come out of my mouth?  What thoughts arise in my heart?  Do these words and thoughts reflect the faith that I am striving to live?

Have a great day.

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