Tuesday, February 4, 2020

His Word Today: Long suffering

Good morning everyone,

Today, the gospel passage mentions a woman who had been afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years (cf Mk 5:25).  Like all the people mentioned in the gospels, this woman also provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the situation that faces at least some of us.

If we want to understand the suffering of that woman, perhaps we can look to modern-day examples. I think for example of all those who suffer from addictions: to alcoholism, to coffee, to shopping, to food, to so many substances.  Those who look upon such situations from the outside might be tempted to think that the addicted persons should be able to simply do without the objects of their addictions, but that is precisely the point - addictions are controlling and they are unforgiving.

Addictions lead many in our world to live long suffering lives.  Even if they are aware of their weaknesses, and even if they may want - with every breath they breathe - to be able to better the control that the addictions can hold upon them - to be free of their addictions, in reality, they truly suffer.

Do we know of someone who suffers because of addiction?  At some level, are we too being held or controlled by some kind of addiction?  In the case of the woman with the hemorrhages, she came to Jesus.  What will it take for us to come to Jesus?

Have a great day.

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