Tuesday, February 18, 2020

His Word Today: Broken Bread

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage begins by explaining to us that the disciples were in the boat and that they only had one loaf with them in the boat (Mk 8:14).  At this point, the disciples had just experienced the miraculous multiplication of loaves; they had left the place where that miracle had been performed and were on their way across the lake.

Jesus took advantage of this private moment with his disciples to deepen their understanding of the miracle that they had just witnessed.  It is interesting to note that the disciples had one loaf of bread with them on the boat (and that it was presumably whole).

The key to understanding the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes is that these foods had to be broken in order to be shared.  Even today, it is only when we are able to break bread together that we are able to share it; it is only when we are able to recognize our own brokenness that we are able to share ourselves with others.

Jesus invites us to recognize the gifts we have been given, and as a response to God's gifts, to be able to share the fruitfulness of God's wisdom with those we encounter.

Have a great day.

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