Friday, February 1, 2019

His Word Today: Unseen

Good morning everyone,

Today, the scriptures remind us that God is constantly at work, in ways that we are sometimes unaware, unless of course we learn how to see with the eyes of faith.  Seen solely through human eyes, we might indeed see a man scattering seed on the land (Mk 4:26), or we might see mustard seeds ... being sown on the ground (cf Mk 4:31), but without the eyes of faith we will never be able to know or appreciate how those seeds are able to sprout and grow.

The answer to this question is found only by those who have been granted the gift of faith.  Only in faith can we see the hand of God at work in these situations and in the many more that are part of our daily lives.

It is true that even without faith, we can continue to live our lives, but with the gift of faith, with the gift of belief in God and in his Son Jesus Christ, we can see life differently. Let us dare to trust in God, and let us ask him to open his heart to us so that we can grow closer and closer to him, day after day.

Have a great day.

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