Thursday, February 28, 2019

His Word Today: Motivation

Good morning everyone,

Every day is a new gift, a new opportunity to do something wonderful. However how many of us stop to think about doing things that are wonderful for the sake of someone else? In fact the duty of a Christian is to look first and foremost for the  Face of Jesus in the people that we meet every day. Mother Theresa of Calcutta was one of those who perfected this art. Every day she looked for the face of Jesus in the people she met.

In today's gospel passage, we hear the words of Jesus that might be addressed to us as well:  anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to me ...  Will not lose his reward (Mk 9:41). We could turn these words around and picture not us as the receptionists of good work but rather those who are in need. How often do we give simple things to those in need?  Sometimes, what we give is not so important. Rather, what is important is that we respond to the needs of those who are in our midst.

Be on the lookout today for those who are in need. We have no idea what they will need or when they will need it. We don't even know if we will have what others will need. All we can do is open our eyes and look with faith. Jesus will do the rest of the work. He will place us on the paths of those who need to find him. He will place us on the paths of those who need to hear his words. He will even give us the courage to act as his disciples.

Have a great day. 

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