Thursday, February 7, 2019

His Word Today: Go

Good morning everyone,

The gospel passage for today speaks of a moment in Jesus' life when he invited his disciples to go out into the world (Mk 6:7).  He gave them very specific instructions: take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts (Mk 6:8).

Can you imagine how vulnerable those disciples were.  They would have set out with very little to give them a sense of security, yet this was done on purpose because only in this way could they learn the essential truth that we must always recognize: we must rely on Jesus, and remember that he is always with us.  If we forget this truth, then we end up doing our own work, not the work that Jesus intends us to do.

Dare to go out into the world that the Lord puts you in today.  Dare to leave behind whatever it is that you find yourself relying on for comfort and security.  Dare to trust that Jesus will always be with you.  He is always close to every one of his beloved children, placing us on the path that will allow us to cooperate in doing his work on earth.

Have a great day.

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