Wednesday, February 27, 2019

His Word Today: Others

Good morning everyone,

What's the saying?  No one can do the job as well as I can?  How often have we found ourselves in a position where we are called upon to instruct someone else about how to carry out a specific task, and then entrust them with the responsibility to perform that task ... only to discover that the other person doesn't do the job like we would, or as well as we would?

In today's gospel, the disciples come looking for Jesus, complaining that some else was driving out demons in the name of Jesus (cf Mk 9:38).  Their reaction is a very typical human behaviour.  After all, they had been the ones who spent all the time in training with Jesus.  How then could it be that someone else just happened to begin driving out demons?

Jesus' response to their inquiry gives us a glimpse into his heart, which is much larger and more curious than we might imagine.  He says: Do not stop him.  There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me (Mk 9:39).  This response necessitates a much wider view, and that is exactly what our God possesses: a much wider view of the situation than we do.

Let us pray today for the grace to see the world as God does: with a wider view of reality that includes the dimension of divine love.  Perhaps then we will be able to perceive the mighty deeds that surprise us, and understand them as proof of work that is beyond our own capacity.

Have a great day.

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