Tuesday, January 22, 2019

His Word Today: Wisdom

Good morning everyone,

I once was asked to define the difference between knowledge and wisdom.  It took some thought, but I eventually offered the following explanation: knowledge is the awareness of facts and data while wisdom is the ability to use the knowledge that we have amassed.

If we apply this logic to today's gospel passage, we find Jesus using his knowledge of the Law to point out wisdom: how to apply the Law.  When some of the Pharisees questioned him about his disciples who were gathering corn on a Sabbath day, he might have felt fear at the possibility of their judgement, or embarrassment at having been caught.  Rather, he used this occasion to point out the wisdom that he had gleaned: The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath (Mk 2:27).

In our time, we might consider how we apply the laws by which we live.  Laws should always be meant to define the limits within which we live, and it's up to each one of us to use the knowledge we have gained in order to discover how we can use that knowledge wisely.

Have a great day.

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