Wednesday, January 16, 2019

His Word Today: Compassion

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage describes a number of encounters that Jesus had with those who were sick (Mk 1:30-34).  In each case, I can imagine him seeing the sick persons and looking at them with profound love, as though he could always see the fullness of each person's potential independent of their illness and love them.

This is what he calls us to do as well: to encounter the people who's paths cross ours, to recognize the fact that none of us is perfect, but rather that each of us is a work in progress, and to encourage our brothers and sisters to recognize the goodness within each of us, to believe that we are all children born of a loving God.

Wherever we may be, let us ask the Lord to give us the grace to see the good in others, to believe in the potential for goodness in everyone we meet and to concentrate on that goodness so that we can truly see one another as brothers and sisters sharing a common journey.

Have a great day.

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