Tuesday, January 29, 2019

His Word Today: Call

Good morning everyone,

Today's gospel passage begins with a very interesting line.  Saint Mark tells us that the mother of Jesus and his brothers arrived at the house.  Standing outside, they sent word to Jesus and called him (Mk 3:31).

The mother of Jesus and his brothers were standing outside the house.  How often have we felt that even though we are trying to send our prayers to Jesus, we too are standing outside the house, in a place where we are somewhat distanced from him.  At times there is noise - other distractions - that seem to stop us from knowing that our prayers have reached the ears of Jesus, or perhaps keeping us from recognizing his answers to our prayers.

Even though the mother of Jesus ... was standing outside the house, she did not doubt that her prayer would be heard and so she sent word to her son.  So can we.  No matter how distant we may feel that we are from the side of Jesus, He is always close to us, always ready to listen.  Let us pray today for the grace to trust that whatever prayer we may offer will be heard and welcomed by Jesus, for he is always attentive to the voices of his beloved children.

Have a great day.

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