Monday, January 21, 2019

His Word Today: Saint Agnes

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint Agnes of Rome, a young girl who was born circa 291 AD and is believed to have died in 304 AD). Details about her life cannot be authenticated but she is believed to have been a young girl of about thirteen years of age, a virgin who was martyred who was martyred in Rome during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian on 21 January 304.

Tradition teaches that she was a beautiful young girl from a wealthy family.  She had many suitors of high rank and the young men, slighted by her resolute devotion to religious purity, submitted her name to the authorities as a follower of Christianity.  She was brutally tortured and killed for her choice to follow Christ.

When Jesus was asked about why his disciples did not fast, he responded by asking a question: Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? (Mk 2:19).  Agnes knew that nothing else would suffice because she had already met the bridegroom who loved her - and who loves us - with infinite love.  We too are invited to enter into a personal relationship with Jesus: to realize that he is the deepest desire of our hearts, and nothing else will do.

Have a great day.

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