Wednesday, January 30, 2019

His Word Today: Seeds

Good morning everyone,

There are few of Jesus' parables that are better known than the one that is proposed in Saint Mark's gospel today (Mk 4:1-20).  Jesus speaks of the Word of God being shared with those who hear it and compares the success that God's word encounters - it's ability to evangelize and convert the hearts of those who hear it - to the land on which seed falls.

Our God continues to sow the seed of His word in our hearts every day, but it is up to us to cultivate and develop the conditions so that God's word will be able to take root.  Some of us have not heard God's word at all (like the land that is dry and trodden, where birds eat the seeds faster than they can germinate); some of us have heard God's word but we haven't spent much time considering it (like the seed that falls on rocky ground); some of us are so concerned with providing for our families and for those we love that there is little or no time left for us to contemplate God's word (like the seed that falls into thorny ground); and some of us are truly fortunate because we are aware of God's presence in our lives and able to recognize the fruit of his presence in our words and actions.

Any of these conditions could be the state in which we find ourselves every day.  Let us never tire of striving to open our hearts willingly so that we can invite our loving God to plant his word in our hearts.  May there always be enough rich soil for this word to sprout and grow.

Have a great day.

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