Monday, March 26, 2018

His Word Today: Simple yet profound

Good morning everyone,

We are only days away from the celebration of the Easter Triduum - the three-day celebration of our Lord's suffering, death and resurrection, so perhaps it is fitting that today's gospel passage should place us with Jesus and his disciples in Bethany shortly before the Passover.

In John's gospel, it is Mary, the sister of Lazarus who anoints Jesus feet while he sits at table with Lazarus and his disciples (cf Jn 12:3).  The significance of this gesture is not lost on Jesus.  Whereas Judas is more concerned with the cost of the ointment used on Jesus' feet (cf Jn 12:4-6), Jesus sees a much deeper significance.  Mary is preparing for the day when she will anoint his body (cf Jn 12:7).  Jesus had to have a deeper understanding of the significance of his impending sacrifice in order to see this simple but profound gesture in such light.

As we prepare to celebrate the liturgies of the Triduum, let us ask Jesus to grant us new insight so that we can see new significance in the simple yet profound words and gestures that we will encounter this week, and let us dare to ask ourselves how our lives mirror Jesus' concern for others, even to the point of giving his life out of love for us.

Have a great day.

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