Sunday, March 25, 2018

A week of celebrating

Dear friends, we have begun our observance of Holy Week.  Today’s celebration of Palm Sunday actually has two parts to it.  At the beginning of the liturgy, we heard the account of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and we ourselves held palms and celebrated his arrival in that city.  Whenever we celebrate any liturgy, we not only remember the events that took place in Jesus’ life; we also enter into those very events.

Having re-lived his entry into the City of David, this liturgy also prepares us for the liturgies that will be celebrated in the coming week.  Saint Mark’s account of the Passion, which we have heard today, gives us a glimpse of the celebrations that will take place in the days that lie ahead.

On Thursday of this week, we will gather here at 7:30pm to re-live the Last Supper that Jesus shared with his disciples in the Upper Room.  We will hear how he surprised the disciples by removing his outer garment, stooping before each of them and washing their feet.  Even today, we have difficulty understanding the meaning of this gesture, but we will hear him explain that having our feet washed, and washing the feet of others is an essential part of following in his footsteps.

On Friday of this week, we will assemble here at 3:00pm to commemorate the moment when Jesus gave his life for us on the cross.  We will hear the story of his final hours on earth and we will have an opportunity to adore and venerate the wood of his cross.

At 8:00pm on Saturday, we will gather in vigil, to await the fulfillment of his promise.  As we wait, we will hear the stories of other people who have also experienced God’s presence and action in their lives and we will celebrate the triumph of Christ’s resurrection.

We joyfully celebrate Christ’s resurrection for fifty days – from Easter Sunday until Pentecost.  Each day, we enter into the mystery of his triumph, not his entry into the earthly city of Jerusalem, but his entry into heaven.

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