Friday, March 16, 2018

His Word Today: Close to the brokenhearted

Good morning everyone,

The Lenten period is a gift for us: a time for us to come back to the Lord, to re-discover the gentle presence of our God who is close to the brokenhearted (Ps 34:19).  This is good news for all those who have known the experience of feeling as though we were far distant from God.

The thought of God's closeness to the brokenhearted also helps us to develop a special affinity for those who are downtrodden.  Those who are ignored and those who are weak are especially favoured by the Lord, but it takes great courage for those who are so removed from the experiences of joy, acceptance and love to pick themselves up again and to keep moving on.

If we ourselves are among those who are in most need of realizing the joy of experiencing the presence of God in our lives, perhaps it might help to remind ourselves that the Lord is indeed close to the brokenhearted.  Even if we are not aware of his presence, he is still close by, simply waiting for us to recognize him in the faces of those around us, in the persons who call out to us in their moments of need, in those who share the gift of their faith so that we ourselves can recognize faith alive in our own hearts.

Have a great day.

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