Thursday, March 22, 2018

His Word Today: Humble prayer

Good morning everyone,

The Book of Genesis tells us today that when Abram prostrated himself, God spoke to him (Gn 17:3).  The act of lying prostrate in prayer is an ancient and venerated posture.  Without uttering a word with our lips, this gesture of humility already speaks eloquently of our willingness to surrender and to cooperate.

How difficult it can be at times for us to surrender ourselves to the Lord, or to anyone else for that matter, but the act of prostration is not meant to shore up any kind of earthly reward or to gain earthly recognition.  In fact, it does exactly the opposite, portraying a willingness to empty ourselves completely.  When Abram prostrated himself before the Lord, God rewarded him by revealing his joy: I will make you exceedingly fertile, I will make nations of you ... (Gn 17:6).

It takes great humility to fall prostrate before someone.  Have we ever contemplated doing just that in the presence of God?  Are we able to expose ourselves to such powerlessness?  The choice is ours, every day to prostrate ourselves (literally if we so choose) before the Lord and to thank him for the many ways he uses our talents and gifts to continue his work of salvation in the world.

Have a great day.

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