Wednesday, March 21, 2018

His Word Today: Put to the test

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel, Jesus tells us if you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples (Jn 8:31).  This seems to be an easy thing to do: remain in my word.  In other words, remain faithful to me and I will provide everything that you need.

Remaining close to the word of God, relying on its wisdom to guide us: this is the virtue that we see enacted in the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego (Dan 3:14-20, 91-95).  How often in the history of God's people have the followers of our God been subjected to persecution - even today there are many who are persecuted solely because they believe in Christ.  King Nebuchadnezzar cast Shadrach and his companions into a heated furnace - a certain sign of torture and death, but they survived the ordeal and the King chose to follow the God of these brave disciples.

Even today, our God will never abandon us, even if we should have to suffer for our faith.  The question is whether we will have the strength of conviction to follow him.  In these final days of the Lenten period, let us pray for this grace so that we can follow him always.

Have a great day.

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