Wednesday, May 13, 2020

His Word Today: Our Lady of Fatima

Good morning everyone,

Today, there is great celebrating in Portugal as we remember the great favour that was shown to three shepherd children - LĂ»cia dos Santos and her cousins: Francisco and Jacinta Marto.  In the spring of 1916, they were herding sheep at the Cova da Iria near their home village of Aljustrel.  They later said that they were visited three times by an apparition of an angel.  They said that the angel - who identified himself as the Angel of Peace and the Guardian Angel of Portugal taught them prayers, as well as to make sacrifices and to spend time in adoration of the Lord.

Beginning in May 1917, the children reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary, whom they described as the Lady more brilliant than the Sun. The children reported a prophecy that prayer would lead to an end to the Great War, and that on 13 October that year the Lady would reveal her identity and perform a miracle so that all may believe. Newspapers reported the prophecies, and many pilgrims began visiting the area. The Marian apparition of 13 October became known as the Miracle of the Sun.

More than 100 years later, the apparitions in Fatima are still fresh in our memory.  Even today, the words of Saint Luke's gospel are as pertinent for us as they ever have been: Blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it (Lk 11: 28).  The Blessed Virgin provides an example for all of us of total dedication to hearing the word of God and obeying it.  The children of Fatima provide another example for us of the simple faith that is needed in the hearts of all those who seek to listen for heavenly guidance.  The Angel had taught them the words of the prayers that they would need, and the Lady encouraged them to use the words of these prayers to intercede for the end to the tragedy that was threatening the world at the time.

Today, we too turn to the Lady of Fatima.  Inspired by the simple but profound lessons she taught to the children, we too seek her intercession today.  May she who inspired so many to turn to God in their time of need also help us to do the same.

Have a great day.

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