Thursday, May 28, 2020

His Word Today: Family

Good morning everyone,

There was a time, not so long ago, when there were many large families.  Admittedly, every family has its challenges, but at some level, all parents want to care for their children and all siblings will fight to protect one another.  There is a bond that unites families.  The same can be said for the family of faith to which we belong.  This is a very special family which has a loving God as head of the household and a long line of ancestors - which is constantly increasing - of holy people who have gone before us.

In these days preceding Pentecost, the scriptures give us a very intimate look into the prayer life that Jesus had.  Saint John's gospel recounts the words of Jesus' prayer to his Father, to our Father.  This is a prayer that is being offered for his disciples, for all of us: I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, so that they may all be one (Jn 17: 20-21).  Across the centuries that have come and gone since then, Jesus is continually interceding for us: that we may all be one, members of one happy, holy and healthy family.

This family of ours has been given a great gift, for we have been entrusted with the gift of hope, hope in the resurrection of the dead.  This means that our earthly lives are not an end in themselves, but a journey that will lead us home to be with our Father in heaven.  Do we truly believe this to be true.  Jesus spoke about it with his disciples.  The disciples came to believe it; strengthened by the Holy Spirit, they spoke bravely about it to others (cf Acts 23: 6-11), and many other members of our family of faith have done the same ... even in the midst of these trying times.

If we truly believe that we are called to believe in the resurrection, how do we demonstrate this hope to those we encounter?

Have a great day.

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