Friday, May 15, 2020

His Word Today: Credibility

Good morning everyone,

Throughout the Easter season, we hear the details of the adventures undertaken by the Apostles and the early Christians as they began to share the joy of the resurrection with others.  There is also documented evidence of some of the first attempts at spreading the good news that were met with disbelief: some of those first missionaries circulated among those communities of Christians and tried to speak about Jesus, but without any established credibility.  This led to confusion (cf Acts 15: 24), and something had to be done.

The important thing was that the mission of the Church had to continue.  The most essential aspect, the reason for the Church's existence is the proclamation of the message that Jesus first shared with his disciples: Love one another as I have loved you (Jn 15: 12).  This is the message that must still be proclaimed today.  These words of Jesus are spoken to each one of us.  When we hear them in the depths of our hearts, when we begin to believe that they are addressed to us personally, we are filled with a joy that perhaps we have never known before.  From the knowledge of our own relationship with Jesus, we then can set out like the early disciples did to share this news with others.

The disciples had to send written greetings along with Paul, Barnabas and the others (cf Acts 15: 23-29) in order to establish some degree of credibility.  In time, these emissaries were able to establish their own credibility and became trusted, beloved and respected figures.  In fact, the credibility of Jesus' love for us has stood the test of time: this love has never failed.  It is just as true and genuine for us today as it was for those first followers who discovered it.  They went out and joyfully proclaimed it to others, and so must we.

As the first signs of possibility that the restrictions imposed in order to protect us from infection with the coronavirus are being relaxed, these are uncertain times and many are still skeptical about venturing forward.  We all need to be careful, we all need to be prudent, but like the first morning of the Resurrection, the followers of Jesus need to find ways to repeat the Easter message: He is risen, and because He is risen, there is the promise of resurrection for all of us too.  More than anything else, people need to hear this message now, and they need to also find credible witnesses who can demonstrate in concrete fashion, the truth that they - that we - are all deeply loved.

Have a great day.

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