Tuesday, May 12, 2020

His Word Today: Difficulty

Good morning everyone,

The scripture passages proposed for our reflection today help us to see the reality that faces everyone who accepts the Lord's invitation to take up the mission of sharing the gospel:  it's hard work!  Knowing that the road ahead would not be easy for those first disciples, Jesus offered them some encouragement: Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid (Jn 14: 27).  These are the same words that the Lord offers to us when we feel that the task ahead of us is daunting: Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid ... I am with you.

This encouragement has the power to strengthen our hearts, and we must often return to them, listening for them and allowing them to provide balm for our souls whenever we are questioned, doubted or even put to the test in some other way because of our faith.  The Acts of the Apostles recount many such trials that were faced by the first disciples (cf Acts 14: 19), but they did not allow doubt and fear to paralyze them because they were firm in their conviction that the Holy Spirit - the Paraclete - was with them.

The same is true for us.  We are not alone in the task of proclaiming the good news of Jesus' resurrection.  He sent the Holy Spirit to accompany us and to strengthen us, to inspire us and to give us the words that we need so that we can continue the mission.  Let us courageously take up the invitation to be his witnesses in the world, always knowing that with Him by our side, we can face the difficulties but they will not be able to stop us.

Have a great day.

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