Saturday, May 17, 2008

Help for families

Canada is not the only country where the traditional fabric of the nuclear family has been threatened in recent times. It seems that the number of lasting marriages in today's society is becoming more and more a dream, but what's surprising is that at least in some places, many are still celebrating this sacrament. Over the past three summers, the number of weddings celebrated in this parish have been constantly on the upswing.

The old saying is true, 'it takes an entire village to raise a child' ... and to nurture young couples who are venturing out in the first stages of married life. Like all new beginnings, young married couples naturally look to parents, friends and mentors for assistance as they gain their 'sea legs' in the early years of their life together.

Although they were greeted with very different welcomes, and at different periods in the life of the Church, the documents Humanae Vitae and the Charter of the Rights of the Family are both intended to assist newlyweds and established families to grow in their understanding and appreciation of the special call which has been entrusted to them, and the role that they play in proclaiming God's presence in the world.

The Holy Father himself quoted both these documents in his recent speech to the Forum of Family Associations and the European Federation of Catholic Family Associations who are participating in the Alliance for the Family in Europe, Associations in the Leading Role conference.

Families are only one of the threads in the fabric of society which the Church continues to proclaim as integral to the survival of the human race as we know it. They provide stability for spouses, guidance for children and teenagers, and sources of joy, celebration and support for all those who seek answers to life's questions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keeping faithful to marriage vows may be very difficult, especially when there are a number of stress factors involved or when there are temptations to follow a flirtatious invitation which appears to offer respite from the daily problems encountered within the marriage. There seem to be so few sources of support for marriages in potential crisis. TV and movies, to say nothing of the music playing on the radio, all seem to scream, "You who are faithful are fools. Look what you are missing!" Hopefully couples are blessed with the ability to work through the "cool periods" and keep fidelity as a priority. It is essential in order to maintain lasting peace, love and joy within themselves and within their marriages.