Sunday, February 17, 2008

Secrets revealed

With snow flakes already blustering around us, and the promise of wind, snow and freezing rain to come before nightfall, it seems difficult to imagine that the scripture readings today place us on top of a mountain, but that's the truth.

On a few occasions in his life, Jesus shared the secrets of his heart with those who were his best friends. Sharing secrets is what good friends do. Children confide their joys and frustrations with one another, teenagers tell friends secrets of romance and discovery that they would never share with their parents or other authority figures. Adults too, if they are truly blessed, have one or two others who they can trust completely with all the hidden corners of their lives.

Best friends are usually among the first to hear good news about new jobs, engagements, weddings, expectant mothers, and even secret plans to surprise the one we love. Jesus too wanted to share with his confidants a glimpse of the reality which awaits us all. Even though we are still in the early stages of Lent, we may need some encouragement to stick with the disciplines we have adopted. The glimpse of Jesus in glory is therefore an invitation for us to believe, to go on, to trust that all will be well.

As always, my reflection (this week entitled The truth of the matter) is available in text format or in podcast format. Enjoy.

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