Sunday, February 10, 2008

God's gift

The scriptural texts for the first Sunday of Lent, Year A speak of Jesus' encounter with the tempter. I found these readings quite apropos for those who have begun the discipline of Lent only a few days ago. We often begin this discipline with great gusto, but like all things, we must continue daily to practice the self-imposed disciplines if we are truly going to see the rewards, and believe that we can truly commit to making changes in our lives.

On the first Sunday of Lent, it is also customary for those parishes who have catechumens, those who are preparing for baptism or for entry into full communion with the Church, to experience the Rite of Election. There are three such persons in our parish, therefore their commitment to the process which lies ahead formed another part of the liturgy today.

Tying the readings together with the presence of our catechumens and proposing some challenges for the gathered community resulted in the homily entitled God's gift for the life of the world. As always, the text of this reflection is available on our parish website, and the podcast is also available should you prefer to download and-or listen to it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had been able to see and touch the Ark of the Covenant. I can imagine all the people going up and answering the call to "Come and See".