Thursday, February 21, 2008

About being healthy

Today turned out to be one of those wholistic experiences of health and happiness, or at least about becoming whole. Let me explain. I was invited to participate in a web conference today called a Fireside Chat. This is the second in the series of Chats about food insecurity and they are proving to be very informative sessions.

The first Fireside Chat on this subject took place on December 12, 2007 and the second was held today. What's interesting about these sessions is that participants from coast to coast get to hear some of the latest statistics about Canadians who are facing challenges related to such basic realities as finding enough food to feed our families. The statistics should make us sit up and take notice.

After identifying the reality that many Canadians find it difficult to provide stable sources of food for their families because they don't earn enough money (see Fireside Chat on Income Related Food Insecurity), today's session presented some community approaches to dealing with the problem.

Having participated in both these web conferences, I am struck by the vast number of individuals who are struggling with poverty, right in our own backyards. Poverty doesn't always bear the face of television images from far off lands. Often it is masked by smiling faces in our own communities. The challenge is to find a way to allow people to find ways to combat the challenge and to do it in a dignified way.


Anonymous said...

In a society of injustice and judgment, and huge disparity in wage earnings...dignity is so difficult to find. I once read a piece about a health care worker helping a patient who was struggling with a left sided disability. The health care workers suggested to the patient "for today, let me be your left side"...what a caring and dignified way provide assistance,...BSCK's new motto "for today, let us be your chef" (it is harder to articulate the rest of the benefits)

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures you chose. They fit very well into my concept of what Christ is like.

Anonymous said...

The fact that we have poverty with people in our own communities and quite possibly right next door is a problem that really bothers me. I wonder how much hardship would be endured by those who have if they each shared a little bit.
Love the pictures you chose to go with this reflection. They fit very well into my concept of what Christ is like.