Friday, September 13, 2019

His Word Today: Saint John Chrysostom

Good morning everyone,

Today, the Church celebrates the Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom (349 - 14 September 407 AD).  He served as Archbishop of Constantinople and was an important Early Church Father.  He is most well-known for his preaching and public speaking and for the creation of the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom (the liturgy that is observed by many of the Eastern-rite Churches).

The title Chrysostomos, which has been translated as Chrystostom, translates as golden-mouthed: a reference to his celebrated eloquence.  If we were privileged enough to hear him speak about the gospel passage for today's Mass (cf Lk 6:39-42), perhaps he would focus on Jesus' words: Can a blind person guide a blind person? (Lk 6:39).

Day after day, we are enlightened and guided by the Word of God.  This Word helps us to continue the journey of faith that is the appropriate response to Jesus' invitation: come, follow me (Mt 4:19).  As we celebrate and thank the Lord today for the gift of Saint John Chrysostom, let us pray for the gift of divine sight so that we can perceive the presence of our God and help others to see him too.

Have a great day.

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