Tuesday, September 10, 2019

His Word Today: Calling

Good morning everyone,

The gospel passage prescribed for today speaks of the calling of the disciples.  Saint Luke says that Jesus went to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God (Lk 6:12) before he chose his disciples.

The work that Jesus was doing at the time was a response to the promptings of the Father's guidance.  In fact, all acts carried out by people of faith are meant to be just that: a response that is guided by the will of the Father.  This is the way that we distinguish the difference between acts of the human will and acts that are in fulfilment of a higher will.

Those of us who seek to respond to the guidance of our heavenly Father must learn how to listen for His guidance.  We must all learn how to come away from the normal settings of our daily lives - so often cluttered with noises that stop us from hearing the voice for which we must constantly listen - so that we can pay attention to the voice that teaches us how to follow in His footsteps.

Have a great day.

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