Wednesday, September 25, 2019

His Word Today: Mission

Good morning everyone,

Have you ever heard the phrase: You are exactly where you need to be, when you need to be there?  It can often happen that we look prayerfully at the events of our day and discover incidents that we may not immediately have seen; in hindsight and in prayer though, we discover that such moments are opportunities for us to recognize God at work in and through us.

At a certain point in time, Jesus sent his disciples to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Lk 9:2).  In addition, he instructed them to take nothing for the journey (Lk 9:3).  This is a word of encouragement for us as well, not to take anything for our journey, nothing that will distract us from focusing on Jesus.

From day to day, we must constantly focus our attention on Jesus; we need to look to him for guidance and we need to develop our awareness of his presence, guiding us as we set out each day on our journey.  If we begin each day from this point of view, and if we are persistent in maintaining our resolve to follow him, we will become more and more convinced that we are indeed exactly where we need to be, when our presence is needed.

Have a great day.

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