Friday, September 6, 2019

His Word Today: Fresh

Good morning everyone,

In today's gospel passage, we see a moment when Jesus' actions caused the local law makers to ask questions (cf Lk 5:33).  His way of living and acting was so different from what they expected that they had no point of reference, no way to understand his motivation.

Even in our day, when we see something new, something that we do not understand, we will ask questions - or we should ask questions.  Asking for clarification is good because it helps us to grasp the fact that something we are witnessing is meant to give us a fresh perspective, even if at times it may challenge us to look at a given situation in a new light.

Perhaps today we can pray for the grace to look at the world around us with fresh eyes.  There is always something new for us to learn, to see, to appreciate ... and if we can manage to recognize it, perhaps we will be able to appreciate the fact that something new, something fresh, something exciting is unfolding right before us.

Have a great day.

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