Wednesday, September 18, 2019

His Word Today: Anyway

Good morning everyone,

Anyone who has ever been invited to a position of leadership knows that at some point or another, no matter what we try to do, someone will criticize our efforts.  The key in such situations is to be sure that the decisions that are made have been well-thought-out and that the choice that has been put forward is truly made in the best interests of the people we are seeking to serve.

Even Jesus found himself surrounded with nay-sayers of his time.  To whom shall I compare the people of this generation? ... They are like children who sit in the marketplace and call to one another (Lk 7:31-32).  As our current Holy Father has reminded us on many occasions, gossip is poison.  It destroys relationships, it has the potential to destroy dreams and to cut people off far short of their potential.

Jesus uses this image to challenge us to hold our heads high, even though there will always be those who will challenge what we say or do.  He challenges us to speak anyway, to love despite the possibility that others may ridicule us, to make ourselves vulnerable anyway, trusting that in the end, we are called to care not for strangers but for our brothers and sisters.

Have a great day.

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