Wednesday, May 30, 2018

His Word Today: Precious

Good morning everyone,

Have you ever truly had the experience of knowing what it's like to have someone save your life? It sounds like the makings of a good story, but everyone of us has experienced this very truth.  Saint Peter says in today's first reading: you were ransomed from your futile conduct ... not with perishable things ... but with the precious blood of Christ (1Pet 1:18-19).

If we truly understood the meaning of these few words, we would stop in utter amazement. Have you ever taken the time to even begin to ponder this truth? Jesus gave his life for you and for me  in order to pay a precious price not with any tangible riches but with something much more valuable: his own life.

Jesus paid this price freely, totally out of love for you and for me. All he asks in return is that we give of ourselves for the good of others, totally out of love for them as well. Pay attention today to the ways Jesus is inviting you to love others. No matter how much we do for others, we can never outdo Him in generosity ... but it might be interesting to try.

Have a great day.

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