Tuesday, May 8, 2018

His Word Today: the Advocate

Good morning everyone,

If we were to pause for just a moment, we could perhaps identify a few of the things that we take for granted: the air we breathe, drinkable water, a roof over our heads, food on our table, a God who is always near to us.  Yes, it's true. Our God is always close to us, even when we don't pay attention.  A long time ago, when Jesus walked on the earth, he told his disciples: it is better for you that I go, for if I do not go, the Advocate will not come to you (Jn 16:7).

God the Father has always loved us.  He created us in order to love us.  The Old Testament is filled with stories about the many times throughout our history when we had experienced these loving encounters.  In the fullness of time, he sent his son Jesus in order to show us what life can be like if we live in his presence.  Thus it was that the apostles and the other followers of Jesus got a glimpse of God's love in action, and after Jesus returned to the Father, they (the Father and the Son) sent the Advocate (the Holy Spirit) to abide in our hearts.  In this way, God (who is fully present in the Advocate, just as He was present at the moment of creation and just as he was present in Jesus) is now close to us.

We don't always pay attention to the things that are around us, but perhaps today, let us pay particular attention to the fact that our loving God is alive and well, living in our midst, sharing His love and His life with us ... and filling us with his joy so that we in turn can share this joy with others.

Have a great day.

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