Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Christmas has arrived, in some hearts like a lamb and in others like a lion.

As we spend time with family and friends in the coming days, it might not be a bad idea to pause for a moment to recognize the blessings we share. In some parts of the world, families are torn apart and cannot spend time together. In others, they choose not to because of unfortunate circumstnaces. But this is a time for family.

As clumsy and uncomfortable as the experience might be, the ideal is to recognize the gift of love that exists between siblings, parents, children and others who might knock at our door.

This Christmas, my reflection speaks of Christ and his family. They too did not necessarily have the most easy time of it, but they did manage to celebrate together because there was more than enough love. This is my wish for you ... that you will have enough, no more than enough love, laughter, joy and reasons to celebrate and give thanks.

As usual, you can choose to read the text of my homily or listen to the podcast. Whichever mode you choose, the wish is the same .... Merrry Christmas.

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