Friday, April 5, 2019

His Word Today: Perspective

Good morning everyone,

Saint John's gospel was written from a totally different vantage point compared with the other three gospels.  The fourth gospel - as it is sometimes called - was penned long after the death of Jesus, and through the lens of a conviction that Jesus was divine, the Son of God.  This is in contrast with the other three gospels which focus more on recounting the life of Jesus.

From the vantage point of this fourth gospel, the assumption was that although Jesus knew of his divine origins, there were many who doubted this to be true.  We see a hint of this in today's gospel.  Could the authorities have realized that he is the Christ? But we know where he is from (Jn 7:26-27).

How often it happens that we refuse to believe the evidence we encounter: evidence of God's existence and action in our world, merely because we get too caught up in the humanity of our situations.  Today, let us open our eyes in faith and look particularly for evidence of the presence of our loving Father, his work of sharing the gift of love with others, and the ways in which he invites us to cooperate with his plan of salvation.

Have a great day.

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